Calvary Missions

Extending the Kingdom

About Calvary Missions

Extending the Kingdom: Calvary seeks to actively demonstrate kingdom principles beyond our walls to our community and the world. We desire to proclaim and demonstrate God’s kingdom through varying arenas including intercession, spiritual warfare, evangelism, missions, and an expression of apostolic and power ministries. Our desire is to know the heart of God, declare his kingdom on earth, and actively prepare for Christ to rule and reign.

On Mission: God wants us to get in on what he is doing, to bless what he is doing. He is moving in the earth. Christ first calls us to draw near to him, to follow him, and to cooperate with his working in and through our lives (Matthew 4:19, 9:35-39; Philippians 2:12-13). Then, the love of Jesus propels us into the harvest fields of our neighborhood, city, region, nation, and world (Matthew 9:35-38, 10:1-8; Luke 9:1-2, 10:1-2; Acts 1:8). Out of intimacy with Jesus, we are moved to touch others. Under the empowering of God’s Spirit, we are enabled to serve God’s purposes in the earth.

How can you get involved? God wants us to support his cross-cultural work, including ministry to the nations overseas. What can you do to see the desire of Christ fulfilled in the earth?


Calvary Missions supports various ministries and missionaries who serve to reach people groups throughout the earth. They need your prayer and financial support. If you would like to financially or prayerfully support one of the missionaries below, please click here for our online giving page. You may also give at one of our worship services. Please make your check payable to Calvary Missions, place it in a giving envelope, indicate which team member or mission trip you wish to bless, and place it in the offering basket. Or, you can print out the Calvary Missions Supporter Response card, fill in the information, use a credit card or enclose a check, and mail it back to Calvary.

Touching the Poor

God’s heart is towards the poor. Jesus declared that he had come to proclaim good news to the poor (Luke 4:18). In Deuteronomy, God declares that “there will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.” Touching the poor is a necessary precursor to revival, according to Isaiah 58.

Calvary Missions sows into the ministry of touching the poor in many tangible ways. We partner with Somebody Cares Houston (Doug Stringer), Cypress Assistance Ministries, Cy-Fair Helping Hands, and other organizations, which are involved in compassion ministry as a way to transform lives. InnerChange Freedom Initiative is a discipleship program and aftercare ministry targeted to prisoners. IFI touches and changes lives through the power of Jesus Christ.

Calvary is also involved globally in touching the poor through our relationships and partnerships with different ministries. Activities which Calvary Missions supports would include helping the poor through disaster relief, touching the lives of orphans and children in Guatemala and Latvia, and supporting, encouraging, and training church leaders and pastors.

Ministry to Isreal

God, in His infinite wisdom, love, and desire for eternal fellowship with man, chose Abram to birth a nation through whom all the nations of the earth would be blessed. The national assignment of the nation of Israel was that they would have a primary role in bringing the nations of the earth to a knowledge of God and the good news of the gospel. The Messiah of the world, Jesus, came from this Jewish nation. He is a Son of David, a Root of Jesse, a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, and on down to Solomon, Jehoshaphat, Josiah, Zerubbabel, and Zadok. Yes, the Savior of all the nations was, is, and forever will be, a Jewish Man.

There is a promised blessing upon a people who bless the nation of Israel. God wants us to walk in the blessing as a people who love His people. We should love the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, not because it is some sort of political platform, but because we love Jesus, and love what He loves, and want to walk in His blessings. This issue is not one of politics, but of passion.  To support and bless Israel and the Jewish people means that we come into agreement with God’s heart – loving what He loves; it means that we honor her, serve her, pray for her, intercede on her behalf, and keep our hearts tender towards her (Genesis 12:1-4; Deuteronomy 7:6-8)

Calvary supports short-term missionaries as well as missionaries living in Israel ministering to many people including Jews and Gentiles.  These missionaries serve anonymously due to the nature of their work in the country.  We also support Succat Hallel in Jerusalem, a house of prayer that stands as watchmen on the wall to minister first unto the Lord, to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and intercede for Israel and the nations. 

Mission Trips

Part of our assignment at Calvary Missions is to help people get to the mission field via short-term trips. Occasionally, Calvary Missions will sponsor such a trip. We also recommend other ministries like Teen Mania, and YWAM, for example, as avenues for participating in short-term missions trips.

In order to participate on a trip with other ministries, please contact that ministry directly or check their website.

To go on a missions trip with Calvary, the best advice is to “be prepared.” Although each trip demands special preparation (which will be announced with the trip promotional packet), the following guidelines will help you to lay a general foundation of preparedness for going on a trip with Calvary Missions, so that you can respond quickly as the Lord opens doors of opportunities:

  • Get your passport as soon as possible.
  • Complete Foundations for Power Ministry and Ministry Team Training Part One.
  • Pray about where the Lord would have you to go on a trip.
  • Start saving now in order to have funds to travel with or to invest in others. Remember that giving for missions is over and above your regular tithe. Also, along the way, we will equip you in how to raise financial and prayer support to supplement your own resources.
  • Stay abreast of trip announcements via Calvary’s web site, announcement sheet, missions updates, etc.
  • Let Calvary’s Missions Coordinator, know that you are interested in going on a trip.
  • Complete a trip application packet as soon as the trip is announced.

Some of our trips come together rather quickly, so following these steps will prepare you to enter the process for being considered as a potential missions team member.

Click on a name to read about the following Missionaries:

Here is a list of some of the ministries with whom we partner and whom we support locally and globally:

  • CrossWalk Center, Kathy Vosburg: Houston’s hopeful and seamless re-entry discipleship process from the inside out for those who have been imprisoned
  • Somebody Cares, Doug Stringer.
    • The Somebody Cares mission is to let people know that Somebody Cares. Because Jesus cares, we the Church care. As a result, through grassroots efforts, communities are being transformed and the Church is uniting. This is unity with a purpose. We mobilize Christians into evangelism, thereby transforming communities. We seek to identify ministries that empower people to reach their full potential and become all that God envisioned when He created them.
    • The foundational ministries of SCA include prayer initiatives, compassion evangelism, disaster response, and leadership development.
  • Greater Houston Prayer Community: seeking to facilitate perpetual prayer across Greater Houston. The Greater Houston Prayer Council is a Christ-centered and Christ-dependent collaborative existing to unite the Body of Christ in effectual, perpetual prayer and action so that all may come to know in their hearts the love of Jesus poured out through the Holy Spirit unto the glory of God, our Father.
  • Union Baptist Association: sending pathways; church planting; church renewal through replanting, and revitalization. UBA is a collaborative network of churches focused on the strategic advance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • India Gospel Outreach, Valson Abraham: seeking to plant churches in each of India’s 28,000+ postal codes.
  • Faithwalking: making wholeness possible. Faithwalking is a spiritual formation process where people are increasingly following the way of Jesus, experiencing ongoing transformation, and developing effective practices for missional living: serving the poor, the marginalized, and those in need; working for the common good; and restoring individuals, social systems, communities, and nations to God’s intended design.
  • Loving Houston: advancing community transformation by helping churches serve local schools.
  • Ministers Prayer Network International. Apostle Mosy Madugba is a lifelong friend and international coordinator of MPN, which is an apostolic and prophetic network impacting the nations through prayer, equipping, evangelism, and missions.
  • Northwest Pastors in Prayer, our Senior Pastors’ Prayer Group. This group has met since 1998 to pray and share together in order to promote unity, celebrate diversity, and create harmony among the churches in NW Houston.

And, we have the privilege of networking with many other missionaries, ministries, and organizations locally and globally, like the following:

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