I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward with anticipation to the New Year.

Back on December 8 and 15, I made an important announcement and issued an invitation. We are kicking off the New Year with a 21-Day First Love Fast.
You can listen to those sermons by clicking here and here.
Your staff and I believe that the Lord is asking us to seek him intentionally as a part of our First Love emphasis. We have been in a season of returning to our First Love. The Lord has put in us a hunger to know him deeply and to join him in his mission in this earth.
In truth, we are still in process. None of us have come to the deep intimacy and full partnership with the Lord which he desires and which we long for.
So, we want to invite you to join us in kicking off the New Year with a 21-Day First Love Fast.
Our focus in this fast is on Pursing Deep Intimacy and Full Partnership with Jesus.
The dates for our fast are January 6 – 26, 2020.
We as a staff are seeking to respond to the invitation of the Lord by starting the new year with a focus on the Lord and what he has for us as a church. I want to invite you to join us in this focus and fast.
Here is a link to the notes from the sermons I preached on the 21-Day First Love Fast. And, here is a link to some fasting resources on our web site (you can also find these resources at the bottom of this page).
If you have any questions about fasting or about our focus for the fast, please feel free to connect with any of our team members.
And, let me know how fasting is going for you as we seek the Lord together.
With anticipation,
Pastor Jeff