Calvary Family Devotion
The Gospel of Luke and the Advent Season
December 1 – 24, 2019
In this Calvary Family Devotion, we will explore God’s Word together through:
- Reading the Bible on a daily basis
- Memorizing Scripture (let the Lord highlight to you a few verses for you to memorize)
- Using questions to help us reflect on what God is saying to us
Doing these activities as a church family allows the Holy Spirit to speak to us corporately. We believe that God speaks to us in many ways. Our part is to make room, to cultivate the capacity to let the seed of God’s Word find good soil in our hearts. The challenge before us is to give God time in our schedules, room in our minds, and access to our hearts through intentionally devoting ourselves to God’s Word. Let’s press into the presence of the Lord by encountering God in his Holy Word.
The Challenge
We will use a daily reading plan that covers the Gospel of Luke and other verses associated with the Advent of Christ.
The Schedule
Our reading and reflecting upon God’s word together will go from December 1 – 24.
The Gospel of Luke
Luke wrote his Gospel so that his readers would understand that the gospel is for all, both Jews and Gentiles alike, since Jesus is the promised one of God as prophesied in the OT and as attested through God’s saving activity in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. In addition to this, Luke emphasized the truthfulness of the Christian traditions his readers had been taught, so that by believing in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, they would receive the promised Holy Spirit whom he gives to all who follow him. (ESV Study Bible).
The Advent Season
Advent comes from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming.” Many churches observe a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of Jesus at Christmas. The Latin word adventus is the translation of the Greek word parousia, which references Christ’s Second Coming. Christians believe that the season of Advent serves a reminder that Christ has come and that he will come again.
Reflection Questions for Dialogue or Journaling
- Preparation: Come to God’s Word with a listening, attentive, and attuned ear and heart. Ask the Lord to meet with you and speak to you as you spend time with him in his Word.
- As you read the Gospel of Luke, what is God revealing about himself to you?
- What are you learning or discovering as you spend time reading the Gospel of Luke?
- What is getting stirred up in you as you read? Share or journal what you are thinking or feeling.
- What is the Holy Spirit asking you to do or how are you feeling led to respond as you read?
- Where is your love for Christ manifesting in obedience? Where are you falling short through disobedience? Don’t just think in moral terms. Think, too, in missional terms. What has God asked you to do or say that you are disobeying habitually? Ask God for forgiveness. Identify and make intentional efforts to do what the Lord is asking you to do.
Scripture Reading Plan for the Gospel of Luke and Advent Scriptures
Date Read Additional verses
12/1/19 Luke 1 Hope: Isaiah 11:1-10; Luke 1:26-38;
Isaiah 7:10-14; Matthew 1:18-24
12/2/19 Luke 2
12/3/19 Luke 3
12/4/19 Luke 4
12/5/19 Luke 5
12/6/19 Luke 6
12/7/19 Luke 7
12/8/19 Luke 8 Peace: Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11;
Isaiah 2:1-5; Matthew 3:1-6
12/9/19 Luke 9
12/10/19 Luke 10
12/11/19 Luke 11
12/12/19 Luke 12
12/13/19 Luke 13
12/14/19 Luke 14
12/15/19 Luke 15 Joy: Isaiah 9:6-7; John 1:19-34;
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Philippians 2:1-11
12/16/19 Luke 16
12/17/19 Luke 17
12/18/19 Luke 18
12/19/19 Luke 19
12/20/19 Luke 20
12/21/19 Luke 21
12/22/19 Luke 22 Love: Malachi 3:1-5; Romans 8:18-25;
Isaiah 52:7-10; Revelation 21:1-14
12/23/19 Luke 23
12/24/19 Luke 24 Light: Isaiah 9:1-6; John 1:1-18;
Titus 2:11-14