I am grateful that we have been meeting in person since May 17. Lots of people have expressed appreciation for having the opportunity to meet in person. And others are grateful for the chance to join us online.
You have probably heard that there has been an increase in COVID cases in Harris County and throughout Texas. Gov. Abbott has warned for weeks that some things might need to change if the virus continues to spread. Recently, the Governor began to slow the reopening of our state. At the same time Harris County Judge Hidalgo has taken a stronger stance.
So, what are we doing at Calvary?
- We are continuing to meet on Sundays in-person, and we continue to live stream our services.
- We continue to observe social distancing guidelines before, during, and after each service. Everyone is asked to observe the 6-ft rule. It is hard not to shake hands and hug; and, that is a suggested guideline.
- Wearing a face mask at church is optional. (Please note: masks are recommended by Gov. Abbott. And, anyone who wants to wear a mask is welcome to do so.)
- People are being seated as they arrive and are dismissed in an orderly fashion by sections.
- Family members are being seated together. In accordance with the directives, we asking that family units put 2 chairs between each grouping of people or individuals. Two individuals who are not members of the same household but who are attending together can sit adjacent to one another, with two seats empty on either side.
- We have put more space between our rows of seats.
- We have placed offering baskets at the doors, rather than passing the baskets during worship. And, we encourage you to keep giving online or mailing in your tithes and offerings.
- There are connection cards and giving envelopes in the seats for you to use. You can place those in the offering baskets as you leave after the service.
- There is also a connection card online for you to use to connect and share prayer requests. And, you can email your prayer requests to us at
- We are still not laying hands on people during ministry time. That will change when the physical distancing directive is lessened.
- Remember that you get to choose whether or not you will attend in person. Each person is responsible to do what you are comfortable doing in this COVID-19 crisis. Some of you will choose to stay home for various reasons, and that is understandable. Please feel free to do what you need to do.
- If you’re sick, we ask that you please stay home and participate online.
- If you’re in the high-risk category due to age, physical, medical, or autoimmunity issues, please use your own discretion, knowing that you have the option of worshipping online.
- If you need prayer, please email us at or use the connection card.
- Our ushers and greeters continue to wear masks.
- Also, hand sanitizer will be available at every entrance.
As you can see, we are working to create a safe environment. And, we encourage everyone to take personal responsibility to follow guidelines, to love others well, and be gracious in this season. Following these precautions helps us to protect others and to continue to meet in person.
Our church also wants to help you in any way that we can. If you have a need—physical, emotional, spiritual, or otherwise– please let someone know, like your small group leader, a staff member, or a friend. Feel free also to call the church office at 281-550-4323, or send us an email at We want to help; communicating well makes that possible.
As always, if you have questions or comments about any of the issues in this blog, please communicate with me. You can reach me via email or cell (281-686-5291). For regular updates, please check the Calvary website and blog.
The Lord spoke to us and gave us this word for 2020: pursue deep intimacy and full partnership with Jesus (Song of Songs 1:4; Matthew 4:19-25; 9:35-38; John 15:5; Revelation 5:9-10). God began to speak to us about this word in March 2019, and we have been seeking to respond actively and passionately to what the Lord is saying and doing.
In the midst of this reset caused by the pandemic and social unrest, let us pursue deep intimacy and full partnership with Jesus like never before.
You are loved and appreciated,
Pastor Jeff McGee