Faithwalking helped me understand why I do some things I do not want to do and not do some things that I want to do. And most importantly Faithwalking provided the tools, the opportunity, and a supportive, loving environment to overcome many of those things. My wife and I have had many breakthroughs in our relationship that I believe would not have happened without this class.
This next sentence is part of the Faithwalking purpose statement and it is very descriptive of what Faithwalking is all about. “The Lord is using Faithwalking to create a community of disciples who are being personally transformed and are becoming catalysts mobilizing Christians to become the functioning body of Christ.” Wow, that’s a mouthful! But, it is my belief that this is what the Lord has called all Christians to be!
Faithwalking has helped me move closer to be who Christ intended me to be and that has made a difference in my wife’s life, her mother’s life, and our daughter’s life because our relationships with all these people have been positively affected. And I believe it will make a difference in your walk with the Lord and your relationships, too. But, you must Start before you can Finish.
-Jim Edwards