Calvary members, you are invited to join us in the process of nominating new deacons to serve here at Calvary.
We are blessed to have amazing servant leaders at Calvary. So, I want to invite you to participate in our Deacon Selection Process. We are looking to add 4 to 5 new deacons.
Our current deacons are Magan Yarbrough (Chairman), Shannon Birdwell, Tom Petry, Jane Winne, Al Nash, Evelyn Owens, and Jim Edwards.
And, I want to remind you about the people that serve on our Elder Team: Steve Buckles, Russ Gressett, Martin Jordana, Steve Meeks, Doug Meriwether, Joshua Rushing, Keith Ressler, and Jeff McGee.
These servants are such a gift to Calvary and to me as your pastor!
Here is a PDF that identifies our Deacon Ministry Model at Calvary and Deacon Qualifications. You can also listen to the message and see the notes from my message on Sunday, Oct. 10.
Considerations for deacon nominations
As we get ready to nominate some people for consideration to serve as deacons at Calvary, I want to encourage you to take the following steps.
- Pray.
- Ask the Lord who he wants you to nominate for consideration as a deacon.
- Ask the Lord to make you aware of people who are already “deaconing.”
- Consider the biblical qualifications which we have talked about in the message [link] and which you have as a handout [link] as you consider nominating people for consideration as deacons.
- Look for specific members of this congregation who are already “deaconing.”
- Look for someone whose relationship and faith in Jesus is revealed in their character and behavior; they are shining examples.
- Look for someone who is already serving faithfully in this body, in big or small ways.
Directions for nominating deacons
- Calvary members may nominate up to six people for consideration to serve as a deacon.
- Please turn in your nominations by Sunday, October 24.
- Only official voting members of Calvary may submit nominations for consideration. Who is a member of Calvary?
- A member of Calvary is someone who is a follower of Jesus, has been baptized, and has gone through the New Member Process (like someone we led to the Lord).
- Or a member of Calvary is a baptized follower of Jesus who made a decision to join Calvary and has been through our New Member Process (like someone who joined Calvary from another church or community).
- Or, a member of Calvary is someone who is a part of a family that joined Calvary, at some time became a baptized follower of Jesus, and is now 16 years or older.
- By the way, if the Lord is speaking to you about joining Calvary and being a part of this church family, please indicate your desire on the Calvary Connection Card.
- There are several ways to make your nominations.
- You can use this handout to nominate up to 6 people to be considered for deacon ministry. You can place your nominations in one of the offering baskets as you leave.
- Or, you can give your nominations to one of our staff members after the service.
- Or, you can email your nominations to
- Or, if you have already downloaded the Ministry One app and created an account, you can use this link, or use your camera for this QR code. This QR code will not work if you have not created an account in the Ministry One app.

- Plan for deacon selection process:
- Preach on deacon ministry and ask people to prayerfully consider nominating 4 – 6 people. Date: 10’10’21
- Receive nominations by ballot. Date: 10’10’21 – 10’24’21
- Screening committee meets after 10’24’21.
- The “deacon candidates” shall then be reviewed by a screening committee which shall consist of one member of the Senior Pastoral Council, one currently serving deacon, and one official member of the church who is appointed by the Senior Pastoral Council (from our bylaws).
- Make a decision on candidates. Due Date: TBD
- Meet with deacon candidates for interviews and give them time to make a decision. Due Date: TBD
- Screening committee shall present the deacon candidates to the official church membership for confirmation. Due Date: 11’28’21
- Commissioning of new deacons by Elders: Due Date: 12’5’21
Thank you for being a part of the family here at Calvary. Thank you for joining with us to partner with Jesus and others on his mission in Greater Houston and beyond. And, thank you for taking the time to pray, to reflect upon the qualifications of deacons, and to consider who is “deaconing” at Calvary. And, thank you for nominating some people to be considered for the deacon ministry among us.
Pastor Jeff