Editor’s note: Lynda Gilpin is writing to share a report from our trip to Myanmar from February – March 2014. We had a team of six people who made the trip: Jeff Chapman, Lynda Gilpin, Jeff McGee, Carol Monahan, Karen Tarpley, and Jane Winne. Thanks for your prayers and support for our trip and for our friends in Myanmar.
Several have asked about our Mission to Myanmar. This may seem long, so I am putting it in sections to make it easier to read.
There were many awesome experiences from the Lord. However, I am choosing some of the most meaningful to me to give to you in detail because you were there with me in my heart and in spirit. Your prayers were a hedge about me and I thank you from the depths of my heart.
A most memorable time for me in Yangon the second day, we were there. I had an opportunity to share Jesus and his gospel story with two young adult Burmese, Buddhist followers.
Pastor John took us to tour the oldest Buddhist Pagoda/Museum in Yangon. Upon reaching the entry hall, I had a strong discernment not to go with the team to tour it. I found a bench to sit on, planning to wait for them to return at the end of their tour. I am sure I must have been an “eye catcher,” with the blonde hair and western dress sitting at the exit door of the building.
Eventually a young man waiting in the line for the elevator stepped out of his space to speak to me. His English was very good. The young honor their elders by placing their hands together in bowing their head as they greet them. This I noticed right away as he approached where I was sitting. His first question for me was, “Are you from California?” “No, Texas,” I replied. I felt most comfortable to talk with him and invited him to sit and visit with me. My question to him was “Have you heard about Jesus, the son of God who made all the earth, our One True God?” His reply, “Yes, but will you tell me more?” Well I can tell you, I was off and running at that question! I shared with him and answered several of his questions and then asked if he would pray to Jesus to save him and come into his heart. “YES,” was his reply. There in the busy foyer of that building, Zawlin received Christ. How amazing our God is.
Just as we finished, a young woman approached us saying, “Will you tell me this story again? I could not hear all that you said?” She was in the ticket booth nearby and I was not aware she was listening. The young man had to leave for his work, and Eithway sat with me as I repeated how Jesus came, how he saves, not Buddha, nor Hara Krishna. He is the only one true God who gives us everlasting life!
She had two good questions. “What about my sins? What about works, doesn’t that save me? Buddha requires works!” We talked more, and I explained her questions and then asked if she wanted to pray and receive Jesus and have everlasting life. Her reply, “No, I do not think that I am ready.” Although disappointing to me, I know God was speaking to her and trust he will finish drawing her to himself. Just by her questions, I believe she has a source, and someone will be available to help her finish the work God has begun in her heart. That was just a time to plant more, water, and leave the harvest to God’s timing.
What a divine appointment from God to share His Gospel in such a place at such a time. I immediately thought of the Word in 2 Tim. 4:2, “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke encourage with great patience and careful instruction”. As Paul said in v.17, “The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed…”
During the evening session at the Kalaymyo Healing Conference a young woman come to me to ask for prayer. She had recently lost her baby and was due for surgery, yet her request was for healing and for another baby. As she shared this request she then added, “I do not know this Jesus you talk about.” Immediately, I shared the Gospel Message, asking her if she was willing and ready to pray and ask for salvation. She replied, “Yes,” and I led her in prayer. What a blessing to be the voice and the hands to reach out to this young woman. Pastor John will follow up with her as this is his community. Perhaps next year I will hear of a report of how God healed this precious young lady.
Have you ever been humbled by a gift from someone? I was given a gift I saw as a widow’s mite! For me to refuse this gift would have meant the “giver of the gift” would lose face and be dishonored. Therefore, the gift was a great blessing for me and, at the same time, a struggle to receive.
To fully explain, I must go back to our trip in 2013. At one of our healing ministry times, a precious little grandmother got my attention as I watched her in praise and worship dancing before the Lord. I would see her come for prayer several times during the conference and healing services. Her request was for her knees and legs to be healed. Several on our team prayed over her. At a time of testimony she told us that God had healed her and she “could dance again.” She even danced for us on the stage!
Later at the end of another session, I asked her and several other of the ladies to pray for me. (I had a sinus/upper respiratory infection that year, as well as again this year.) I was able to do some sign language to get my request to the ladies. She was so sweet and loving, and we had a connection last year. She came to greet me again this year, and at the worship service one evening she came to stand with me. She took my hand, and we danced before the Lord together.
The last night of the conference, she came with a young pastor to translate for her. She began by saying she wanted to give me a gift, but that she had nothing to give except a small roll of kyat: (their money) into my hand. She asked me to buy something that I like from Myanmar. I panicked as I thought, “How can I take this money?” It was about the same as $6.00, but the money I think she might have used for her weeks food supply. And at the same time, my mind knew that the heart given gift could not be refused. I was so humbled, and at the same time felt honored by this woman. Her love was a blessing for me. I felt I must honor her wish.
The following day our team went by van to the village of Kamphat for Sunday Services and a meal with the Pastor. At one of our rest stops, there was a produce market and with my gift of love, I bought oranges and a huge apple for our team to share at breakfast the next morning. The day we left Kalaymyo, I found a beautiful scarf for myself with the money that remained. I know that the lady is in my heart and each time I wear my scarf, I will be even more mindful of her sacrifice, her gift to me. What she thought was such a small amount was a gift that richly blessed me and our team. As I pondered this experience, I think the heart of God is also tenderly touched when we give sacrificially, and obey as He directs. I believe such are your gifts of giving to support, and your times in prayer for this mission in Myanmar have richly touched God’s heart.
The majority of the pastors attending the conference are a younger generation than me, from the Chin people reached many years ago through the ministry of a Baptist Missionary, Mr. Carter, in the 1800’s. As I heard their story, and later ministered to them, I had a sweet revelation from the Lord.
I remembered a prophetic work that Jim Goll spoke over me in January, 1995. His words were “You are an Anna, Anna, Anna. You’re an Anna, you’re an intercessor! Come to my temple, come to the temple. Scripture will be given you, you will pray and intercede these words/that word praying day and night, night and day. You are the Anna to pray for the hard shell Baptist.”
We know that prophecy unfolds itself in time and understanding, and although I had seen some of this word in action in praying for others in the past years, all of a sudden as I ministered to these young people, I knew that these Chin people represented the hard shell Baptist. I felt that the insight the Lord gave me was that their theology was limited, they were un-initiated (as Jeff McGee described their understanding). There was a shell covering that they needed to break out of to receive these new teachings about Thy Kingdom Come and learning about Spiritual Gifts. They needed to learn about and begin to put into practice their spiritual gifts being taught in the conference. We prayed for the releasing of the anointing and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, for knowledge, understanding, and insight to be given to them.
At the end of each session, both men and women came for a request of healing for problems such as kidneys, liver, heart, and lungs. I felt such a burden in hearing their needs, and as I was reading from Psalm 27 early one morning, I felt that the Lord gave me some revelation of how to pray over the people. I shared this with Jeff McGee, and he told me he had just happened to have been impressed of the Lord to be reading from Psalm 27 also that same morning. God is so good to bring confirmation as he works among the people to receive from him.
My heart was to encourage them to continue praising God for the touches they had received through prayer. Many had told me that they felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, in feelings of a warmth, or a coolness, a peace within, or just remarking that they felt better after prayers for their health. Psalm 27:2 “When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, my enemies and foes, they stumbled and fell.” It is so like the enemy to come against our bodies to stop us…..as I read this verse, I saw the warfare prayer here in the chapter to pray back to the Lord.
Jeff invited me to share this word with the group and to prophetically pray the words over them. Verse 6 says “And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around me; therefore I will offer sacrifices of JOY in His tabernacle. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.” I asked the Lord to give them new boldness to take authority over sickness in the name of Jesus. I prayed that they become the feet, hands, and mouth of God to declare His word over their families and friends, and that they would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (vs13); to wait on the Lord (vs14), be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!
I know this has been long, and I hope that the Lord has given you more understanding of what it is like on the ground ministering, on mission with Jesus. My prayer is that you will be given divine appointment right where you are. Also, that one day, you might travel to another country to minister to other nations if that is the desire of your heart.
I bless you and thank you,
Lynda Gilpin