Journey Groups

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Journey Groups are the heartbeat of Calvary. Our vision calls us to express true Christian community. What does that mean? First, God is building us into a place where he dwells (Ephesians 2:19-22). We want God to feel at home in us. Second, we want to grow in our capacity for authenticity (1 John 1:7). That means we are growing in our ability to be open and honest with others in a safe place. Third, we want to practice being a community where our attachment with the Lord and others fuels our joy, which empowers godly living (Numbers 6:22-26; John 15:9-12). Fourth, Journey Groups are one of the primary places where we minister to and care for one another as a body (James 5:16).

“Let the Word of Christ – The Message – have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives” (Colossians, 3:16, MSG).

Below is a list of our current Journey groups for the current semester. Register here.

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