Is this really the time to fast?
I have to be honest, I was less than excited to engage in a 21-day fast this year. After all, have we all not been living in a 9-month fast of sorts? We’ve had to go without certain things, say no to things, and embrace various reductions and experience inconvenience. We had our routines shifted, priorities changed, and, for some, our jobs diminish or even cease. Some of us had a lot of extra time on our hands, while others became busier than ever before. We’ve been living a 9-month fast!
So, when I began to prepare for this 21-day fast I thought to myself, “I’d rather schedule a 21-day FEAST instead of a FAST. I could use some feasting right about now.” I’m fairly certain I’m not alone in this sentiment.
Then the Lord showed me that He, too, wanted me to feast. That’s exactly why He wanted me to engage wholeheartedly in this fast. In His kindness, He spoke to me and said, “Joshua, fasting IS feasting.”
Fasting is feasting on the eternal and overflowing pleasures of God; it’s feasting on His words of life; it’s feasting on revelation from His heart; it’s feasting on His character; it’s feasting on His glory, majesty, and holiness; it’s feasting on His affections and emotions; it’s feasting on the sustaining power of His everlasting love.
I learned that fasting becomes feasting when we allow the Holy Spirit to recalibrate our appetites for pleasure and joy. After all, the “pleasures evermore” are found at God’s right hand (Psalm 16:11).
This week, ask the Holy Spirit to recalibrate some of your appetites.
Here are some verses to pray this week:
Psalm 36:8-9
Psalm 119:18
Colossians 3:2
Click here for additional resources on fasting.