We would love to have you worship with us in-person or online for Easter Sunday, April 4.
If you will attend in person, plan to come early and join us for a Continental Breakfast at 9:00am in theCove. Worship will begin at 10:00am with a special Easter message from Pastor Jeff. Then, we will head out to the Prayer Garden for the Egg Hunt.
On Easter Sunday, there will be two photo booth areas set up in the Life Center for you take pictures with your family. Be sure and tag us on social media when you share your pictures online. We would love to see them. Facebook: @calvaryhouston and Instagram: @calvarynwhouston
People today are searching for good news. We have good news to declare: Christ is risen. Jesus has defeated death, darkness, disease, and demons. Your neighbors, friends, and family members are thinking about going to church either online or in person for Easter. This would be a great time to issue an invitation and to share the love of Jesus with them. If they are uncomfortable coming to the service in-person, consider inviting them to watch the live stream with you. Or, you might consider inviting them to your house for a meal or to your Journey Group during the Easter Season.