Appointing New Elders

The Lord has given us many gifted people to serve in various roles, capacities, and ministries. I am very grateful for the way that people step up to serve in our church and beyond.

The Elder team at Calvary is a great blessing to me and to our church. These men serve faithfully and lead well.

I am excited to announce that we have added three new people to our Elder team: Doug Meriwether, Keith Ressler, and Joshua Rushing.

There are a lot of people who would qualify to serve, but these are the ones we felt led to ask at this time.

Elders are appointed by the existing Elder team. Our team of Elders has included Steve Buckles, Gary Busch, Russ Gressett, Martin Jordana, Jay Kelley, Steve Meeks, and Jeff McGee.

Our elders rotate every six years, so we have some elders rotating off in 3 years.

Gary Busch and Jay Kelley are rotating off after serving for 8 years. We are so grateful to these men for their faithfulness, wisdom, and leadership.

We will schedule a commissioning time for our three new elders in the next few weeks.

Your prayers for our Elders, for our church, and for me are greatly appreciated.


Pastor Jeff

PS: Here is a document which explains the Elder ministry at Calvary.

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