Gene and René Haub

Thank you for visiting our page!  We currently serve on the executive leadership team with FamilyLife Ministry in Orlando, Florida.  Our passion is to be used of God to strengthen marriages and families across our nation and around the world.  We then want to equip those families to be a beacon of hope as they reach out to other families in their neighborhoods, churches, and communities.

Our mission remains focused on the Great Commission– effectively developing godly families who change the world one home at time. The Great Commission is a distinguisher for us as a marriage and family ministry. It’s Jesus and the ways of Jesus being known, displayed, experienced, and passed on home to home, family to family, and generation to generation. 

Our FamilyLife team will continue to be a leading source in the world for biblically-centered help and hope for marriages and families. But it goes so much further than that!  Our vision is a movement of people walking alongside other families and discipling them along the way. We believe any home who follows Jesus can have an incredible impact on the homes around them. Not only do we want to help couples move from isolation to oneness in their relationships, but we desire to resource and equip couples to reach others around them. When families flourish, communities flourish!

These are serious times for the family in a culture that no longer embraces traditional, biblical values.  Each one of us has been impacted in some way by the breakdown in the family, and our culture is exerting increased pressure on marriages and families every day.  Our hearts go out to those who are facing the hurt and disappointment of broken relationships, infidelity, and the struggles that life so often brings.

The good news is that God loves our families – every single one of them! His master plan is to redeem the brokenness in every one of our lives and families!  As passionate followers of Christ, we want to proclaim the truth of God’s love, share His plan for families throughout the world, and stop the pandemic breakdown of families in its tracks.

It is truly a privilege and an honor to be an extension of Calvary Community Church around the world.  Through your giving, and others like you who desire to see godly marriages and families, FamilyLife has now been able to train leadership couples in 103 countries with resources translated into 45 languages.  Praise God!  Your giving enables us to continue presenting the Gospel every day through radio broadcasts, podcasts, Weekend to Remember marriage getaways, small group studies and thousands of articles on our web.  Thank you for your partnership with us that is impacting millions of families every year!

To God be the Glory!

Gene & Rene’ Haub

Missionaries with FamilyLife

September 2024 Update

Dear Calvary Family,

It’s been an exciting couple of months. The search is on as we move forward seeking the right couple who will lead us into the next frontier of FamilyLife ministry. The anticipation is building as there are many names that have been submitted through our nomination process, staff interviews, and broad network of ministry connections.  

We are now in the process of narrowing down the search to a manageable number to put through a much more detailed review.  This past week we completed curating feedback from staff focus groups on essential qualities of our next president.  Please continue to pray for FamilyLife, our Board of Directors (who will give final approval) and our leadership team as we seek God’s divine direction in the process of nominating a new president.  Our prayer goal  is to have a new president in place by the end of the year.  Thank you for joining with us as we seek God for his wisdom and guidance!

A dose of encouragement

Each year we have the privilege of pulling together a summary of ministry impact over the year to share with FamilyLife partners.  In the process we get to hear stories of couple after couple whom God has dramatically changed through the ministry of FamilyLife.  Our hearts overflow with gratitude when we get to hear stories like Austin and Eleanor’s.  A marriage that survived it all… difficult blended family relationships, extended military deployments, a heart attack, near death pregnancy, job loss, a special needs child, and even infidelity. The odds they faced were almost unbelievable… But God!

They attended a Weekend to Remember on a military scholarship.  Today Eleanor shares, “If it wasn’t for Weekend to Remember, we probably wouldn’t be sitting here doing everything that we do today. We may not have made it.”

Out of the ashes of their struggles, Eleanor has started a non-profit offering counseling 

and mental health resources for military and blended families! She and Austin are hosting three FamilyLife virtual small groups while also serving at upcoming Weekend to Remember getaways. Best of all, they’ve developed an app that allows military and other families to do Bible studies, FamilyLife small groups, and other resources together … even as they are separated during deployment and half a world away!

Thank you for the amazing privilege we have of being front-row observers of God’s redeeming power.  We are deeply grateful and honored for your support that enables us to strengthen families around the world!  

Growing Old without Getting Older

OK, surely that hit a nerve!  All of us want that!  A couple of weeks ago it was such fun to have Dennis & Barbara Rainey back in the studio to address this very topic. As expected, it was full of sage one-liners including “How you live now determines how you will become older later. You don’t prepare for becoming older when you’re 60 or 70, although it’s never too late to start: The real issue is knowing now, “How do I want to finish the race?”

If you have never downloaded the FamilyLife App, we encourage you to do so as it is filled with amazing daily encouragement. We were just looking at the numbers, and over 7.4 Million people have downloaded podcasts this year!  It really is that good!  So grab your phone, download FamilyLife.  Once you have it, select the FamilyLife Today podcast and go to Aug 14 to hear the first of 3 powerful and encouraging podcasts on finishing well!  We’ve also included QR codes to each of the programs for a quick “go-to” link.  On the 3rd day, Dennis & Barbara share some interesting musings about heaven… Amazing how that subject is coming up more and more frequently these days! LOL!  You will be inspired and encouraged. 

Thank you again for your prayers, encouragement, and ongoing support that enables us to reach families around the world.

With much love,

Gene and René

July 2024 update

Hello Calvary family,

The summer is quickly passing, and we wanted to update you on what has been happening in our world.

Breaking News… our current FamilyLife President David Robbins has been named the new President of Cru! We were all caught a bit off guard, but we seriously can’t imagine a more gifted couple to lead Cru forward.

David and Meg have been such a gift as they have led us through a tumultuous season as a ministry, i.e. moving the headquarters to Orlando, COVID, political polarization, and re-envisioning what God is calling us to as we seek to reach the next generation(s) of families. They have led us with grace, vulnerability, vision, and strength. They have been careful, wise, and unafraid to make changes that needed to be made to ensure we remained relevant and cutting edge and did so with such grace and success.

It has been a joy to serve on the leadership team under David and Meg’s direction. It is with a sense of deep loss, but also hope as we prayed over David and Meg this week, releasing them to the even greater work before them.

Please be praying for FamilyLife as the search has begun for the next couple who God will call to lead us forward in this time of growing impact and digital innovation. Pray that the Board of Directors and our leadership team will be truly led by God’s Spirit as we seek Him for our future leader.

In June, René and I stole away to the St. Augustine Weekend to Remember… but this time it was just for us! Seriously. We wanted to experience our latest WTR content, but more importantly, we needed time away to reconnect and grow together ourselves. Couples who experience oneness share a recurring behavior: they regularly inspect the quality of their relationship… Assessing current strengths and weaknesses in their communication, commitment, intimacy, and other important areas to stay on a growth plan together. Our marriages are never static. We are either intentionally growing toward oneness or drifting toward isolation. Here are a few guest comments from the weekend…

We came 8 years ago on the verge of divorce. This time was a completely different experience and so encouraging to see how far we’ve come. It was like a check-up and getting great results! This time we are walking out knowing we are in a better place and equipped to keep our marriage in great shape! Wife, married 12 years

Totally incredible impact. It changed the trajectory of our marriage forever in a good, sound, biblical way. Husband, married 24 years
Amazing. We’ve been married for 39 years but didn’t put God first. As a result we often feel burdened with regrets. We were “religious” but never made God the Lord of our lives, marriage, and family. This weekend was so practical and informative. Optimistic moving forward. Thank you. Wife, married 39 years

Wish we would have found this 15 years ago. As a blended family, my wife and I fumbled through it and somehow made it out the other side. If we would have had the knowledge then of what we now know… it would have made it so much better. Husband, married 15 years

As our spring Weekend to Remember season came to a close, we wanted to give you a few highlights of what God has been up to. To God be the Glory!

• 51,000 attendees
• 18,000 wanting to take next steps to continue growing in oneness
• 7,000 wanting to help guide others
• 859 decisions for Christ!

Thank you Calvary for continuing to walk with us and pray for us as we endeavor to see every home a godly home!

With deeply grateful hearts,
Gene & Rene’

Dec 2023 Update: the fullness of the gospel to every family…

Dear Calvary Family,

Our hearts overflow with thankfulness for your partnership that is bringing the fullness of the Gospel to families around the world.

We want to be there, in the messy moments of real life, when people reach out for help. In those moments where their hearts know there is something more than what they are experiencing, we want to be there. When the struggles they face loom large and they know life must make more sense than what they see around them, we want to be there.

We are so grateful for your faithful giving that has pointed millions of families to Jesus and His way of life. Families can be rich in love, full of joy, and generous to those around them. Families can seek God’s Word to gain ongoing insight for living life to the full as Jesus promised (Jn 10:10). And families can live on mission to help change their corner of the world. This is what we believe families can be.

As a recent FamilyLife podcast listener said, “My marriage is better, my family is better, and I am better from listening to your podcasts. You show me how to live in an authentic way without pretense…. Every time I listen, I hear the message that in Christ I am enough. You have helped me understand myself and my loved ones better in such a variety of needed topics. My family is more joyful, more forgiving, and more loving because of God’s work through you.”

We sincerely believe that family is not only the greatest untapped resource for bringing good to the world, but also for fulfilling the Great Commission.  Your giving this past year helped enable three very significant milestones to be achieved.

  • The all-new Art of Marriage small group resource is here! It is designed for global streaming and includes elements that will allow us to engage with each participant in an ongoing fashion, helping them to continue growing deeper in their relationships and encouraging them to share the truths they are learning with others. Pray that 250,000 marriages would be strengthened and many of these come to know Christ in the next 2 years.
  • We completed the beta phase of FamilyLife Equip and are launching it in conjunction with all small group resources and events this coming year. This digital platform is full of inspiring stories, resources, and practical wisdom to equip and encourage those who want to be families on mission. Pray with us for 50,000 leaders to be encouraged through this tool over the next 2 years.
  • The FamilyLife YouTube Channel is now launched! We’re doubling down on reaching the next generation through dynamic video content. This has been a vision in the making since completing our new studios in Orlando. Our prayer goal is to reach 3 million subscribers in 3 years! Pray with us for it to be so!

We really are serious about launching a movement of families who will be used by God to multiply impact around the world. There is an overwhelming sense of expectation in our hearts. And that’s where you come in because we are here only through your faithful giving. THANK YOU!

Our hearts overflow with thankfulness for you as God has been so gracious to meet our needs through your giving!  We are forever grateful for your commitment to godly families and your kindred heart with us.

For godly families around the world,

Gene & Rene’

June 2023 Update

The Opportunity is vast…Our team is responsible for linking funding and partners to further outreaches in nearly 100 countries around the world. Family is indeed a universal language. Every person around the globe has a family story and longs for family connection and deep intimate relationships. The good news is that people are open to talking about something their heart longs for but is not their reality. They want it, but don’t have it. And the increasing cultural complexity is rapidly pushing people toward emotional isolation and further away from the relational yearnings in their heart. So much so that the issue of “family” and desire for relationship is becoming the most untapped resource in the world for helping fulfill the Great Commission.

The felt need of family has become a global platform for sharing the Biblical truths of Jesus and His power for oneness in relationships.

People around the world are catching a vision for how families that are on mission can impact their corner of the world. Eugen and Nicoleta Loardache in Romania began looking for materials and resources to help their own relationship. They never dreamed that God would not only bring healing but lead them to launch a vibrant family ministry in their community.

“From being people without God, they are now God’s children and are integrating into the local church. It is God’s work … and the Lord wants to use us for other couples as well. Families all around us are pleading for help. Let us not fail them.”

In Taiwan, Jimmy Liu and his wife have facilitated five Art of Marriage® courses in Taichung, Taiwan with more than 200 people participating. They conduct one session per month and in between sessions, they meet with each couple to disciple them, encouraging them to rely on Jesus in difficult circumstances and celebrating their growth with them. Last year they facilitated their first Weekend to Remember and are now raising more leaders to host events across Taichung including the Art of Parenting. Jimmy said:

“I often feel so privileged that I get to be involved in life-changing moments for these couples and experience the joy of seeing the Holy Spirit work in their lives.”

Our vision of “Every home a godly home” is reaching further globally than ever before. With the launch of the new Arabic FamilyLife website,, families throughout the Arabic-speaking world now have access to free, biblical materials to strengthen their marriages and learn about Jesus. At a recent leadership conference in Egypt, copies of The Art of Marriage® and The Art of Parenting® workbooks in Arabic were given to leaders from 30 countries throughout the Middle East. These books are legally published in Egypt and contain QR codes that take users to the Arabic-subtitled videos on the website. Because Cru Egypt Publishing is a legal entity, they can ship and distribute books throughout the Middle East. Pray with us that God will put these resources in the right places at the right times to reach people who are hungry for hope and truth!

Thank you, Calvary family, for giving us the privilege of reaching so many with the message of the Gospel through the felt need of marriage and family. We are truly grateful!


Gene and René

December 2022 Update

Just look around…  It’s no secret that families are finding themselves more isolated than ever before. Our world exists as an unmitigated “now”—always on, vying for the constant attention of our hearts and minds. Families feel the void. They want something different. Something more. Something better. The busyness of the day-to-day weighs heavy on every home. Time for focusing on each other is constantly pushed down the priority list. Drifting toward isolation is inevitable. As one of our recent Weekend to Remember Guests expressed…

“I remember thinking one day that as much as I didn’t believe in divorce,

I wasn’t so sure I could live a lifetime like we were living.”

Here’s the good news: even in an increasingly secular culture, marriage and family are some of the few spaces remaining that people still consider sacred and are open to receiving biblical perspective and godly counsel. Just like the young woman I recently sat next to on a plane who desperately longed to experience a deeper intimacy with her “partner,” not realizing that a covenant, life-long commit­ment together was a foundation to the very intimacy she was seeking. Or the young couple who were so disillusioned by the examples of marriage they had seen that they simply asked, “What’s the point?”

At FamilyLife our purpose is unwavering…to help couples grow together through the power of a relationship with Jesus Christ, and then to equip them with encouraging resources to Impact those around them. God’s power for oneness makes all the difference! A recent FamilyLife Blended & Blessed participant shared… “We are helping couples going through the same struggles we endured. Our trials became a launching pad for us to help others and display God’s amazing grace.”

With God’s grace, we can collectively reach every family when we

empower local hands and feet on their very own streets. That’s why

we are so committed to mobilizing families for Christ.

No doubt times are urgent. I recently went around the table in our executive team and asked each Dept. leader, “What resources would it take to see a 10-fold increase in families impacted through our outreaches in the next 5 years?” What if we could launch city wide outreaches within 100 communities? What if 500,000 per year could experience core foundational truths from our Weekend to Remember and be equipped to share those transformational truths within their neighborhood? What if 20 million were receiving ongoing encouragement and help with real-time, real-world issues they were facing through our pod­cast network?”

You know what happens when you ask too many questions!  So, it is with great excitement that we are pressing GO, and trusting God to help us raise up the needed resources to do this very thing! There is an overwhelming sense in our heart that God has put us in this place for this moment. We are so grateful for the privilege of serving on the FamilyLife executive team and helping to seize the opportunity to mobilize the family like never before. And that’s where you come in! We are here only because of your faithful giving and your partnership in ministry with us.

Thank YOU Calvary family for enabling us to reach millions around the world with God’s design for the family and the true HOPE of Christmas!  We are forever grateful and look forward to the transformation miracles that God has in store for this coming year and the families that God will redeem for His purposes.  Thank you for standing with us!


Gene & Rene’

Summer 2022 Update

Strengthening Marriages & Families Across America

Thank you, Calvary family, for your faithful partnership in ministry with us.  You are helping to bring the encouragement of God’s Word to families around the world.  Here in the U.S., the Weekend to Remember is one of our favorite outreaches because of the powerful life change that couples experience and the immediate feedback we receive. In June we wrapped up the spring season with over 45,000 people attending 78 events this past year. The testimonies below serve as a personal “THANK YOU” note from the heart of a life, a marriage, a family you touched.

Boise, ID – We decided instead of ending our marriage and dividing a family with children (and one on the way), that we would confess our sins to each other, repent to each other, and forgive like Jesus.  It was the most eye opening, difficult, painful, and beautiful example of the gospel I’ve ever witnessed — to see my husband view me vulnerable and exposed and tell me he forgives me and loves me. We are both so hopeful and excited to see what will be next for us and to raise our kids in a solid home… that puts God first; and where we are on the same team.  It’s the best gift we could ever give them and each other.  (Married 7 yrs)

Coeur d’Alene, ID – My husband and I were at such a bad place when we entered the building…  Saturday night we repented to our Savior and each other.  We have placed mountains of rubbish between our relationship with Christ and each other.  Thank God for grace where minutes of repentance wiped away years of sin… we were at the top of the “most-likely-to-get-a-divorce-soon” list at the start of the weekend.  (Married 34 yrs)

Indianapolis, IN – I’m not sure we really had a marriage before we came… I knew things weren’t great and that I had to “do the work,” but I did not understand how or what that even meant.  This weekend gave me the tools I needed to turn my commitment to my wife into a verb and created a safe environment to practice what I learned. (Married 15 yrs)

Augusta, GA – This weekend has set us up for real success in our new marriage… this was a wedding gift for us… this is the BEST gift we received!  I believe that we both have been equipped with tangible tools to be successful in our marriage.  (Married 3 weeks)

Pittsburgh, PA – I’m pretty certain this getaway saved our marriage.  We were “roommates.”  I forgot what it meant to be a wife and although I was so quick to point fingers at my husband, I found out that I too contributed to the problems.  Thank you so much FamilyLife.  The speakers were fabulous and made it enjoyable and easy to connect. (Married 6 yrs)

Destin, FL – A new start, a new beginning… transforming “one-mess” into “one-ness,” this time applying biblical principles instead of just knowing them.  (Pastor, Married 23 yrs)

These are just a small sampling of tens of thousands of couples that we, together, are pointing to Jesus Christ. Best of all, nearly a third of attendees said they recommitted their life, marriage and family to Christ and 823 people indicated placing their faith in Him for the very first time! THOSE…are eternal crowns!  What joy to journey with couples helping them to experience the “Abundant Life” promised in Jesus Christ.  Thank you for enabling us to serve here at FamilyLife.   We are eternally grateful!


Gene & Rene’

November 2021 Update

Over the past year, we have seen first-hand how your investment with FamilyLife has been life-changing for so many couples.  We have developed new resources to help couples cope with anxiety, grief, virtual schooling, and many more issues brought on by the COVID virus.  We also completed a full arabic website with our key resources available for free (take a look at We have relocated the ministry to Orlando so we could partner together in a much greater way in global evangelistic efforts with Cru teams around the world.  

We can hardly wait to begin using new video studios in Orlando to produce powerful resources aimed at the upcoming generations.  We must be in the video spaces where young families today are searching for help!  With our new studios we will be launching a family innovation project to begin producing easily sharable, marriage and family video resources that point families to the ultimate source of help and hope… Jesus Christ.

It has also been so encouraging to see the responses to our new Weekend to Remember makeover that we launched this fall, specifically retooled toward younger generations and inviting participants to take a next step of faith to reach out to other families around them. 

One of my team’s privileges is responding to prayer request coming into our ministry.  It is thrilling to see the miraculous ways that God works weekend after weekend at our events.  Before our event last weekend, we received the following request.  “My prayer is that my husband’s heart is open to reconciliation.  We have been separated for over a year and a half.  He is coming to the Weekend to Remember only because he told me he would last year which was canceled for COVID.  He said he isn’t interested in us getting back together but just wants us to learn to communicate better.  My hope is for restoration of our marriage if that is God’s will.”  This past Monday after the event, we received this email:  “Thank you so much for the prayers.  God answered in a big way this weekend!  Emerson’s heart was softened. We held hands and joined together with others in recommitting to our vows at the end of the weekend.  Emerson told me he loves me for the first time in over a year and a half, and is now looking forward to our future together.”

How gracious of our God to take “hearts of stone and transform them into hearts of flesh”!  Hallelujah!  I particularly love reading comments from pastors as marriage and family issues are one of the leading reasons that pastors leave ministry.  We provide scholarships for any pastor wanting to attend our events.  We want to see their marriages strengthened so that they remain on the front lines for Christ!

One pastor said…
This weekend gave us a marked moment to change the trajectory of our marriage.  It has given us hope. This event gave us a safe place to start communicating and break the cycle of anger, bitterness, and hopelessness so we can start to move forward again and allow God to bring restoration in our relationship.

Another pastor wrote…

We are so grateful to have received the pastoral scholarship as we would not have been able to attend without it.  We desperately needed this time away to connect and rebuild. With Covid and all the extra pressures at church between funerals, staff changes, congregational expectations, we were worn out, weary and haven’t had a lot of time together. This weekend has been an incredible blessing. We have committed to stop the drift of isolation, begin scheduling regular date nights and family nights, and have had many needed conversations. Thank you for this incredible gift; you have blessed our marriage and our children more than you will ever know.  We
are so grateful to those who have given to allow us to experience healing.

Thank you Calvary family for the privilege of touching so many lives with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the felt needs of marriage and family.  The fields are indeed ripe unto harvest!

With much love,

Gene & Rene’

May 2021 Update

Dear Calvary Family,

Weekend to Remember events are open again! Hallelujah! God has opened some amazing doors over the last year during the pandemic, but oh how refreshing to connect in person! The past year has shown all of us that God created us to do life together, not in isolation. There is something special about gathering with others. We recently had 3 Weekend to Remember events, have 4 more scheduled for June, and plan to open to nearly a full schedule in the fall.

We have always had a passion for seeing our events pour life into those in ministry. Along with God working through them to touch other lives, pastors face much stress in ministry. The day before our Indianapolis event, a young pastor couple (24 years old and married just 3 weeks) heard about our pastor scholarships and wanted to know if they could still get in.  Due to Covid spacing restrictions, the event had been closed, but we were able to get them in due to a last minute cancellation. They were facing some early difficulties and did not want to wait until issues continued to escalate and they were in crises before seeking help. Our teammate, Duane, was our ministry representative onsite. He said they came in Friday night, very reserved, but by Sunday afternoon it was a totally different story. Not only was there hope and tenderness in their voices, but they were so excited about taking resources back to their church to share with couples different options for strengthening their marriages and families.

Our mission remains focused on the Great Commission– effectively developing godly families who change the world one home at time. The Great Commission is a distinguisher for us as a marriage and family ministry. It’s Jesus and the ways of Jesus being known, displayed, experienced, and passed on home to home, family to family, and generation to generation. Yes, we will continue to be a leading source in the world for biblically-centered help and hope for marriages and families. But it goes so much further than that! We are a movement of people walking alongside other families and discipling them along the way. We believe any home who follows Jesus can have an incredible impact on the homes around them. Not only do we want to help couples move from isolation to oneness in their relationships, but we desire to resource and equip couples to reach others in their neighborhoods and community. When families flourish, communities flourish!

Please pray for our events team in June. We are using these last 4 events to refine and hone the messaging of our new Weekend to Remember to encourage couples to take next steps of faith in becoming part of a movement of couples being used by God to produce life change in others! To God be the Glory! Thank you again for standing with us in this critical mission.  We are so grateful!

Lots of love from us,

Gene & Rene’

November 2019 Update

Dear Calvary Family,

Lots of powerful ministry is happening 24/7 around the globe.  I think FamilyLife’s new motto should be “no time for downtime!” because the sun never sets on ministry to marriages and families.  In spite of what we see in culture around us, people inherently know something is broken.  They yearn for lasting relationships and deep intimacy.  The felt needs of marriage and family are door openers for powerful Gospel conversations.  

Ron Deal and our FamilyLife Blended® team knocked it out of the park during the 7th annual Summit on Stepfamily Ministry Oct. 24-25 in Chesapeake, VA. There were attendees from 30 states!  Over 40% of weddings today are forming blended families and couples are ill equipped to handle the complexity they face.  An attendee from Rwanda said that EVERY couple he knew in Rwanda was a step family, yet he didn’t have a single resource to specifically help with the unique issues these couples were dealing with.  He was so excited to leave equipped with a variety of resources and access to a wealth of digital teaching to help families across his country.

Ron’s foundational book, “The Smart Stepfamily”, is a key resources for blended families.  If you know of a couple forming a blended family, we would be glad to send you a copy of Ron’s book to give to them!  We are so grateful for the Familylife Blended team!

We are particularly excited about a new small group video resource we have been working on that is scheduled for release in January… The Vertical Marriage! It features Dave and Ann Wilson, our new hosts of FamilyLife Today®, and is based on their book that we released earlier this year.  Their fun, transparent style has been well received by our growing radio audience across the U.S. that is now up to 1.2 million listeners weekly in addition to hundreds of thousands of digital downloads.

In addition to our daily FamilyLife Today radio/podcast program, we have also launched three new Podcasts that are being heard around the world!  The digital age is bringing the world to our fingertips!  Our 3 new podcasts include Married with Benefits, FamilyLife Blended, and Unfavorable Odds.  Check them out at 

November is our peak month in the fall Weekend to Remember (WTR) season with up to 9 events a weekend.  Over 80,000 people will attend outreach events in the U.S. this year.  Our Monday morning executive leadership team meeting is my favorite time of the week as we review reports from our local volunteer teams and event guests across the nation.  We truly rejoice together in God’s faithfulness to transform hearts and marriages!  Here are some comments we just received this week…

“I came to this weekend with the intention of using it to say I did everything to save my marriage so I could divorce. We were separated and I had begun dating someone else. I now understand God’s plan of covenant commitment.  This weekend was a huge game changer and truly saved our marriage.” 

“Through this weekend we have pushed the “reset” button on a marriage of 11 years.  We were in a frustrating, hopeless place, but now know how to truly love each other and glorify God with our marriage… We are excited to go home and face difficulties of life TOGETHER with a godly set of tools to KEEP growing toward oneness.  Our marriage will never be the same. God met us here in a mighty way!”

Thank you for your faithful giving and partnership in ministry that makes all of this possible!  With much love,

Gene & Rene’ Haub

Missionaries with FamilyLife


November 2018 Update

Dear Calvary Family,

Our hearts are full of praise to God as our new Art of Parenting resources continue to gain momentum!  Since our resource launch this past May, over 165,000 people have been impacted with God’s design for Gospel-centered families.  Parents who were hopeless, now realize there is help in Christ, and they are gaining understanding and practical wisdom in how to be intentional in raising a legacy of godliness for the next generation.  Praise God!

Our prayer goal is to reach 1 million parents in the next three years with Art of Parenting resources.  We just completed the Spanish translation at the end of October and work is underway on translation into Mandarin.  The companion full-length feature movie, Like Arrows, will be released in February 2019 by Provident films.  The movie is already included in the Art of Parenting small group kit for churches to use in neighborhood outreaches.

Please send us a note at if you would like a free copy of Dennis & Barbara Rainey’s new companion book, The Art of Parenting.  We would love to invest in your family!

Please pray that God would continue to open doors of ministry to parents who are far from church and far from God.  As parents seek help, we want to be there with biblical answers providing the one true source of help and hope for eternity… Jesus Christ.

Thank you Calvary family for your prayers and support that enable us to launch new resources like the Art of Parenting, while continuing to grow our existing outreaches like the Blended Family ministry summit, Weekend to Remember marriage conferences, Love Like You Mean It Cruise, and more.  We are forever grateful for the privilege of being your hands extended around the world.

With deeply grateful hearts,

Gene & Rene’

November 2015

Dear Calvary Family,

Our hearts overflow with joy in God’s gracious favor to transform hearts, marriages, and families each weekend across our nation. Every Monday we rejoice as testimonies come pouring in from our FamilyLife Weekend to Remember events that Gene’s team manages. One couple who attended our South Padre event wrote:

“Before this weekend my marriage was completely broken, I wasn’t living at home, and the papers for divorce had already been filed. But by the grace of God we decided to take this one last shot and it revived what only God could revive. Thank you FamilyLife for your commitment to help marriages.”    Husband – Married 18 months

In Spokane last weekend, we had 52 people pray to receive Christ for the very first time! We also had 162 indicate that they recommitted their lives to Christ! One of our volunteers who helped make follow up calls to these new believers sent the following note Tuesday morning:

The first person I called tonight was Crystal, who had signed her name on a prayer request she turned in at the very beginning of the weekend. That’s why I was so excited when I saw her evaluation; SHE PRAYED TO RECEIVE CHRIST AND SO DID HER HUSBAND!!

But, the story gets better…she and her husband were actually separated when they headed to our event last Friday. She moved back in on Tuesday!! She downloaded the MyFamily app and is doing a 14 day devotional, and she and her husband are both very excited about what God had done in their lives. Crystal said she knows almost nothing about the Bible and wants to learn more. I told her I could help her with that.

Crystal and I are meeting for coffee on Monday night at 6:30. Hopefully we’ll be able to meet together regularly for discipleship and encouragement.  Please be praying for our time on Monday night and for protection for Crystal and her family between now and then.

Reaching out to couples through the felt need of marriage is a “Trojan Horse” for the Gospel in our culture today. In Boston a few weeks ago, over 12% of the audience made decisions for Christ! It was a sovereign move of God! Halleluiah!!!

Technology is also enabling us to reach more and more couples with encouragement and hope. During September, we challenged couples to make a 30-day commitment to begin praying together daily. Over 49,000 took the challenge!!!! Praise God! Thousands wrote in to tell us how God worked miracles in their marriage during this time.

It is such an honor to be your hands extended to bring the Gospel of Christ, along with practical help and hope to couples around the world. God has now enabled us to raise up on-the-ground nationals in 107 countries! Our penultimate praise to God  this year was receiving full approval of the Chinese Government to conduct Weekend to Remember events where we openly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the source of help and hope for your life and marriage! Last month we tested our first simulcast of a Weekend to Remember in China with 3 host sites. This has only been made possible by God’s intervention in allowing our resources to receive full government sanction!

Thank you Calvary for your support that enables us to continue bringing help to families around the world. Our hearts are full of praise to God for His provision through you!

With much, much love,

Gene & Rene’ Haub

November 2014

Dear Calvary Family,

Thank you again for being such a key part of God’s provision for us!  God’s Spirit is moving mightily to redeem marriages and families for His glory!  Our Art of Marriage video-based event is exploding across the nation.  Exactly what we have been praying for… over 500,000 have now been impacted in 3 short years.  Praise God!

Rene’ and I are still in awe over the lives that God touched during the past 12 weeks at our 3 major “I Still Do” arena events in Chicago, Portland, Oregon, and Washington D.C. God showed up in a BIG WAY on October 4th at the event in Washington D.C…  couples rejoicing, hugging, crying, singing, celebrating, weeping, worshipping, and laughing together.  AMAZING!  Nearly 40,000 were impacted between the Washington D.C. event and our national simulcast engaging nearly 300 churches.  A representative from Incast (our simulcast partner) worked as a producer for Disney events for 16 years.  Her two word description of the experience was “World Class.”  She went on to tell me, “This was a great mix of powerful messages, skits, comedy, and music and, we needed to get this message out across the nation in a much bigger way! ”

The rose ceremony during the last session in Washington D.C. was one of the most moving experiences of my life.  I so wish that each of you could have been in the arena with us.  We gave guests that needed to repent and ask for forgiveness from their spouse for deep hurts and wounds  a courageous opportunity.   We invited them to get out of their seats, come to the stage, pick up a rose, and make their way back to their spouse and start the reconciliation process right then and there!  Wow!  People kept coming and coming while Chris August sang the song “Restore.”   Over 1,300 people made their way to the front to pick up a rose!!!  What a special moment as couples hugged and wept together across the arena.  It still brings tears to my eyes even as I’m typing this note.  All praise to God almighty who is so gracious to heal our hurts and restore hearts!

When God touches lives in such amazing ways, we are quickly reminded of each of our financial and prayer partners and the part that you play in the healing and strengthening of each of these lives, marriages, and families!  Thank you!!!  Below is just a small sampling of the thousands of comments that we received on the day.  Rejoice with us in God’s goodness and faithfulness to transform hearts by the power of His Spirit.  I’ve highlighted a few but they are like Lays Potato Chips…  “It’s hard to read just one!”

Thank you again for your generous and faithful giving that enables us to continue reaching out to couples across our nation.

With lots of love and deeply grateful hearts,
Gene & Rene’ Haub


• This event Inspired us to stay on the battlefield for others and to help other couples navigate through the greatest relationship on planet earth.  (Married 40 years)
• I got to hear my husband ask for forgiveness, which was like a tidal wave of healing for our marriage. (married 10 years)
• He came.  He said the vows to me and held my hand (1st time in 5 weeks).  Five weeks ago he told me he wished he had never married me.  Thank God I bought the tickets 4 months ago.  THANK YOU!  (married 3 yrs)
• My husband and I are separated – on the brink of divorce.  We couldn’t get much lower.  God has been working in both of us, and led us to this event.  Tonight we asked each other for forgiveness and re-stated our vows.  All the Glory to God!! (married 5 years )
• Words can not express how it has changed my perspective from on the verge of the “D” word – to never making this a part of my marriage.  I am committed to go till death.  I am going to start something big, big, big!!  (married 9 years)
• My wife and I have been separated for 10 months.  We dealt with marital affairs and many other issues.  Today we re-committed our love and placed our trust in Christ to carry us till death do us part. (married 6 years)
• The morning I sent the link to I Still Do to my husband I had just about given up all hope of saving my marriage.  To my surprise he replied that he bought tickets.  I came doubting a change, but I think we’ll make it now. (Married 32 years)
• I am not the church goer in the family.  I am very supportive of my husbands’ relationships with the church.  I do believe in the Lord. This event has made me understand that I need to support him at his side and in his heart with the Lord.  I think I’ll start joining him each week. (married 5 years)
• It saved my marriage – THANK YOU!! (married 3 years)
• I’ve attended Mom Life Boot Camp, and we have even attended a marriage intensive at the National Institute of Marriage in Branson.  After 14 months of separation, TODAY is what it took – the true catalyst – to hit the reset button.  We Still DO!!!
• Gave me hope.  I realized that it’s not just about us.  It’s about Christ and God’s purpose for marriage. (married 10 years )
• We had hit a plateau.  We broke through today with a re-commitment to our marriage!! (married 20 years)
• This was one of the most powerful marriage events I have ever attended.  I left ready to go empower the couples in my church to fight for the covenant of marriage. (married 26 years)
• Dennis Rainey gave the charge to be a missional couple with purpose.  I think this is the part we have been missing to take our marriage from “really good” to “PHENOMENAL!”  Thanks! (married 13 years)
• After 27 years of life with my husband (18 married) we hit most of the topics discussed and I was seeking a divorce.  I was frustrated and didn’t see any hope.  During the event I was touched spiritually – moved by stories and biblical lessons – and I broke down crying.  I forgave my husband for hurting me and decided our family tree was worth saving.  We love each other, but were broken and didn’t know how to fix it. Thank you SO much! (married 18 years)
• I wasn’t sure what to expect – I was very nervous.  We re-committed to God and to each other.  As of a few months ago our marriage was basically over.  This is one of our first baby steps toward a better marriage. (married 16 years)
• We appreciated the reminder that the core of marriage depends on our relationship with Jesus Christ.  We heard the call to reach out and minister to other couples in our circle of influence. (married 13 years)
• She forgave me!! (married 4 years)
• We have been married for 13 years.  I am from Ethiopia and he from Jamaica.  We always blamed every problem on culture differences.  I learned of God’s love and His intent for our life.  Marriage is great, but we almost gave up.  By His grace we still do!! (married 13 years)
• I Still Do had a very good mix of seriousness and humor with clear presentations that were a blessing and very helpful.  We plan on using the Art of Marriage set to minister to others. Thank you!! (married 1 year)
• New beginning to a dying relationship! (married 9 years)
• In the twenty one years of our marriage, this was the BEST DATE EVER!!!  (Married 21 years)
• For years, and even this morning, we fought all the way here.  But then we built, loved, planned all day long.  Now as we leave, we live for Jesus – together as a united front – a team for the first time.  To God be the Glory!! (married 13 years)
• I came with no expectations and left blessed.  This was my last resort.  I have hope now.  (married 10 years)
• It is nice to see thousands of other married couples who share the same values and struggles.  The best marriage event we have attended in 21 years of marriage.  (married 21 years )
• It encouraged me to be a better leader in my marriage and to love my wife unconditionally.  I Still Do rejuvenated my relationship with my wife and with Christ.  (married 1 year)
• I cried like a baby, and am forever committed to my wife-to-be.  (engaged)
• I felt like “It was the bomb!!”  (married 25 years)
• This event is AWESOME!  I think every married person should attend this event.  Awesome! Awesome! This is our first time here, and it was beyond expectations.  (married 3 years)
• This conference changed my heart toward my spouse – to be wanting to care and sacrifice for him, identified sin in our hearts, and gave us opportunities to ask for forgiveness. This gave us helpful tips on ways to improve our marriage, and to submit before God.  (married 9 years)
• You guys just saved our marriage! (married 2 years)
• Last Saturday he said “I am not interested in any reconciliation.”  Today we learned how we need Jesus in our lives.  HUGE change!!  (married 12 years)

 November 2013

Dear Calvary Family,

Our hearts are full of joy as we see God impacting marriages and families across the U.S. and around the world.  What a privilege to be your hands extended to so many families!  We have now had over 400,000 attend our new Art of Marriage events in the past 2 years.  It is exciting to see couples catch a vision for how God can use them to reach marriages and families all around them.   I recently was so encouraged hearing from a couple who had just finish hosting their 15th Art of Marriage event in locations across North Carolina with over 1500 couples attending!  In every church where they host an event, they are helping local couples catch a vision for building a dynamic marriage ministry.  Praise God for laborers for the harvest.

Our flagship getaway events, called “Weekend to Remember” continue to have a powerful impact in every major city.  This weekend alone we have 10 events with over 6,200 people registered.  We have been praying for these couples to be radically impacted by the Holy Spirit…  so much so that they leave this weekend transformed and renewed by God’s power and the “Good News” of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The stories are pouring in from the weekend even as I write this update.

One couple wrote, “When my wife and I walked in on Friday night, we came with skepticism. We had serious problems in our marriage and we thought it was helpless. But this weekend we have received so much help! This will change the rest of our life!  We talked about things we have ignored and not faced in our marriage. We ‘buried’ our old marriage and prayed that God would resurrect a new one that reflects His image. (Married 24 yrs.)

We particularly love ministering into Pastors marriages. Over 1500 pastors per month leave the ministry and the top 2 factors are burnout and marriage and family issues.  One pastor just wrote, “Wow!! This weekend has made a huge difference. As a pastor, sometimes I feel so alone – teaching about good marriages – but silently struggling in my own. Thank you for your love, humility, & wisdom! Ready – set – go!! We are on our way to restoring our marriage. Thank you for this weekend! It REALLY is a Weekend that I will truly remember!”

Along with restored marriages, what’s even more exciting is the number of people coming to know Christ as their Lord and Savior at ever increasing rates!  The felt needs in our culture are a wonderful opportunity to present the wonderful message of the Gospel.  In the past 10 years, my team has seen over 40,000 decisions for Christ!  Hallelujah!!!!

Thank you again for standing with us as we proclaim God’s truth and His blueprints for marriage and family.  We are now in the throws of putting together a national simulcast for Oct 4th, 2014 called “I Still Do”.  Pray with us that God will use this catalytic event to ignite a grass roots movement of couples helping other couples experience the power of a Christ-Centered, covenant-keeping marriage.

With love and grateful hearts,
Gene and Rene’ Haub

October 2012

Dear Calvary Family,

God is on the move!  Our new Art of Marriage couple-hosted events are doing exactly what we have prayed for… exploding across the nation.  This past month couples have registered anywhere from 118 events to 163 events on our website each weekend.  Praise God!  The average-sized event has been around 50 people, so that means over 6,000 people every weekend are hearing God’s blueprints for how to live out a marriage that glorifies and honors Him!  What’s even more exciting is that 4% of these participants are making decisions for Christ!  To God be the glory!

The Weekend to Remember also continues to have a powerful impact.  Two weeks ago in Parsippany, a husband and wife, married 1 year,  both received Christ and wrote the following notes…  Wife – “The Weekend to Remember has changed our lives.   We were broken and the journey we embarked on this weekend was an enlightened one, full of hope and promise.  Thank you to the amazing speakers.”
Husband – “This weekend has provided my wife and me with a road map to repair and revive our marriage.  It has also given us a better understanding of the importance of God in every aspect of our lives.  THANK YOU!!”

We are amazed at how quickly marriages are deteriorating in our culture today.  We have received thousands of comments like the following from couples ready to “throw in the towel” and call it quits after 1 to 2 years… “I decided to Re-invest in my wife, Re-invest in our marriage, Re-invest in what made me want to marry her in the first place, Re-invest in our love, Re-invest in or friendship, and Finally re-invest in me so I can do all the things I have learned this weekend.”   (Husband – Married 1 year)
“This weekend re-focused our marriage to be Christ-centered.  We were focused on the problems and who was at fault/blame, and this event helped us realize Christ is at the front of everything and we need to let go and trust his plan.”  (Wife – Married 1 year)
“Daily routines had robbed us of the joy of being together. Coming to the Weekend to Remember gave us a chance to fall in love with each other again and to love being married to each other again as well.”  (Wife – Married 2 years)

Thank you for the incredible privilege of being able to intersect lives across our nation with the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Your faithful giving and the tremendous life change happening all around us is such an encouragement to us!    To God be the glory for every life that is changed for eternity!

With deeply grateful hearts,

Gene & Rene’



 Haub Update – October 2009

Dear Calvary Family,

Our fall FamilyLife conference season is under way! We kicked off the season September 11th in Tampa, FL, where 45 people made decisions for Christ! Praise God! Our team has been working extremely hard to get ready for 57 Weekend to Remember outreach events this fall. We have over 45,000 seats to fill with couples who desperately need to hear God’s blueprints for marriage and family. Every seat represents the potential for a changed heart, a reconciled family, and a transformed legacy of godliness for the next generation!

We began the season by leading our staff in a time of intercession around 2 empty chairs, representing seats in ballrooms this fall. We are asking God to fill every seat with marriages and families to be impacted for eternity.We pray that thousands will come to know the reality of a Christ-centered marriage and for couples to capture a renewed vision for their family. We know that it is through God’s power alone that hearts are truly transformed.

We also celebrated a major milestone this past week. Over 2 million people have now heard the good news of the gospel at FamilyLife events! We just received a Facebook message from Scott and Sherry who attended the Weekend to Remember conference a few years ago.They said,
“Sherry and I went to our first Weekend to Remember after we divorced on our 14th wedding anniversary in 2005. God used the conference to show us how we both had contributed to our path to isolation. He then used it to give us the tools to be married, with Him at the center of our lives! We have since remarried, volunteer on the local FamilyLife team, and are leading the marriage ministry at our church! God is good!”

It is such a joy to be used of God to see incredible life change and hear so many stories of God’s ability to radically transform and REDEEM marriages and families for His kingdom. We are deeply grateful to be your hands extended to families across the nation and around the world!

With much love,

Gene and Rene’ Haub
Missionaries with FamilyLifeFamily Life Update

Dear Calvary,

Can one weekend really change a marriage? Mark and Briana didn’t think so as they argued on the way to a Weekend to Remember conference. Briana said, “We didn’t even like each other when we stepped into the ballroom.” The conference was an eye-opener for both of them as they heard God’s purpose and plan for marriage. One phrase that struck both of them very powerfully was, “My spouse is not my enemy. My spouse is a gift given to me by God.”

Briana said, “Grasping that truth was a turning point for me and Mark.” However, the best is yet to come! She went on to say, “The most important thing that happened was that Mark and I prayed and invited Jesus Christ into our lives! I had heard people in our business talk about finding God and I wondered what that really meant. Having Christ at the center of our lives and marriage has been huge… When I first heard about the Weekend to Remember, I wondered how one weekend could change marriages that were so close to ending. I no longer have to wonder. Mark and I just have to look in the mirror and remember what God did in our lives and legacy.”

Praise God for nearly 3,000 couples this year who have bowed their hearts to the lordship of Jesus Christ at our outreach events. What an exciting time to be building into marriages and families across the nation!

We have never been so excited about the vision that God has placed on our hearts… “Every Home a Godly Home!” A year of strategic planning and assessment is now beginning to bear fruit. We have always been about directly helping people experience God’s plan in their marriage and family. We’ve shared many testimonies of the impact God is having across our nation. However, we have brought into laser focus the truth that a radical movement of God for reformation in the family will only happen through YOU and the body of Christ… the LOCAL CHURCH .

FamilyLife is now clearly focused on the objective of “Helping You Help Others” and “Helping the Church Help Others.” This means producing a whole new range of resources to enable you to effectively minister to the many hurting families all around you. We have also redirected significant resources to develop an entire series of tools for the church called LIFE READY!

Most churches today lack an intentional, coordinated, proactive strategy for building healthy, Christ-centered marriages and families. LIFE READY will be an easily adaptable, proactive strategy to equip pastors and lay leaders to get in front of the problem. Our goal is to begin rolling out strategy seminars and the first LIFE READY modules this coming spring. We can hardly wait!

God is moving powerfully in marriages and families across our nation, bringing healing and hope to many, many families who are “separated from Christ… without hope and without God in the world.” (Eph 2:12). Please pray that God will continue to provide wisdom and direct our efforts to lead couples to the foot of the cross… where families are truly transformed!

Thanks, Calvary , for being a part of every family that is impacted for Christ and every legacy that is changed for eternity! What an honor and privilege to be an extension of your hands and hearts to others!

With love and grateful hearts!

Gene, Rene’, Ashley, Allison, and Alesha Haub

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